Bush's Social Security Plan is Dead
I just returned from a town hall meeting in Morristown, NJ on the subject of social security reform and the idea of privatization is as dead as dead. The meeting was with Republican Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen and even he didn't seem too likely to embrace the idea. But, who could blame him, because his constituency that showed up was aggressively against the idea.
And, this is very bad news to President Bush's plan - even though he doesn't have a real plan. However, everyone who follows politics knows that what the president is hoping for is some type of privatization plan for social security. That is the president's plan today anyway. His plan is certain to change in the future as he realizes that there will not be enough support for privatization. At that time his plan will be sure to change, so that when some type of reform gets passed, then the president will be able to take credit for whatever the social security reform finally is decided upon.
But, privatization it will not be, because if this crowd did not embrace the program then there is very little hope for the plan. Rep. Frelinghuysen's district is a largely Republican district that includes all of Morris County, western Essex County, and parts of Sussex and Somerset counties in NJ. The audience was overwhelmingly white middle class and over 40, with our seniors being heavily represented, and still they opposed any mention of privatization. And, this audience was informed - in many ways more so than their congressman who was not at all impressive, but did come off as honest. He was honest enough to admit that he had not endorsed the president’s plan yet, and has not decided either way on social security. He made the point to mention that many in congress were doing what he was doing at that moment – talking to their constituents to take their ideas back to Washington; and if this traditionally Republican district was not falling for an idea that really doesn’t solve any of the problems with social security then there is no reason to think that it will fool enough people around the country. Bush has overplayed his hand on this one.
And, this is very bad news to President Bush's plan - even though he doesn't have a real plan. However, everyone who follows politics knows that what the president is hoping for is some type of privatization plan for social security. That is the president's plan today anyway. His plan is certain to change in the future as he realizes that there will not be enough support for privatization. At that time his plan will be sure to change, so that when some type of reform gets passed, then the president will be able to take credit for whatever the social security reform finally is decided upon.
But, privatization it will not be, because if this crowd did not embrace the program then there is very little hope for the plan. Rep. Frelinghuysen's district is a largely Republican district that includes all of Morris County, western Essex County, and parts of Sussex and Somerset counties in NJ. The audience was overwhelmingly white middle class and over 40, with our seniors being heavily represented, and still they opposed any mention of privatization. And, this audience was informed - in many ways more so than their congressman who was not at all impressive, but did come off as honest. He was honest enough to admit that he had not endorsed the president’s plan yet, and has not decided either way on social security. He made the point to mention that many in congress were doing what he was doing at that moment – talking to their constituents to take their ideas back to Washington; and if this traditionally Republican district was not falling for an idea that really doesn’t solve any of the problems with social security then there is no reason to think that it will fool enough people around the country. Bush has overplayed his hand on this one.