The Independent Wire

An independent look at today's top political stories. This site is truly an independent slant on the issues, if it appears to be slanted to the left that's only because the other side has been wrong at an unusually high rate as of late.

September 23, 2006

Clinton Strikes Back

Tomorrow Bill Clinton will be on FoxNews Sunday on the Fox Network, channel 5 in NY at 10:00am. The interview has already been taped and will air on Sunday, but a partial copy of the transcript has already been released. Think Progress has a copy of it here, and it looks like Clinton really takes it to FoxNews. He does a great job of defending himself and debunking the right wing propoganda that 9/11 was mostly his fault. He also calls out FoxNews and host Chris Wallace for their obvious bias in the way they try to smear him but have given the Bush Administration a complete pass.

This is a must see interview. Bill Clinton is still the Democrat's strongest and most articulate voice. If all the Democrats could speak like this then we wouldn't be in the position we're in today. My prediction is that this interview is going to become a huge story; at the very least it should rally the Democrats and the bloggers to prepare for battle, but we'll have to wait and see...


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