The Independent Wire

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September 08, 2005

Kerry Was A Fool

President Bush continues his downward spiral in the polls. Today the newest Zogby poll released showed Bush's approval ratings at another all time low. However, interestingly enough the poll also showed that in an election Bush would lose to every recent president, but still not to John Kerry, whom he would narrowly edge out. Zogby himself wondered how this could be.

The answer is quite simply that Kerry, whom I voted for by default, was a weak and pathetic candidate. Even today Kerry has slipped back into relative obscurity (the only reason he isn't totally obscure is because he is a national figure who just ran for president). He has not even stepped up into a leadership role within his own party since the election.

The Democrats made a poor choice in nominating Kerry, but one that is understandable considering there wasn't a whole lot to choose from. This country was ready to replace Bush whom most knew was not doing a good job, but Kerry could not close the deal. Even today as a clear majority of Americans think the Iraq War was a mistake, that majority still wouldn't support Kerry because he never made a strong case against the war. The Democrats are starving for someone to step up and take a leadership role and show some backbone, and unfortunately they're going to have to do better than Cindy Sheehan.

Had there been a Democrat out there that could speak with conviction and toughness and take the fight to the Republicans they would have won in a landslide. The below link shows an example of the kind of conviction and backbone that Kerry did not posess. That is why he lost the election, and why today - even with Bush tripping all over himself - the majority of Americans still have no confidence in Kerry.

This is a video clip from last May when George Galloway, a member of British Parliament, was testifying in Washington during our senate investigation into the U.N. Oil For Food Program with Iraq. It's just too bad that he's a British politician and therefore has little chance of running for office here in America. Galloway did not back down and he made Republican Senator Norm Coleman look like a chump. This is not taken out of context. All reports from this hearing say that Coleman was beaten badly in this exchange. Now Compare this tough anti-war stance with Kerry's cautious political waffling. Consider Kerry's statement before the election when he said that knowing everything he knows now that he still would have voted to authorize Bush to go to war, and no one need wonder why Americans didn't embrace Kerry then, and why they still wouldn't today.

(the link to the video is about 3/4 the way down on the page)


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