The Independent Wire

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October 05, 2005

Must Read Post On The Iraq War

Cenk Uygur has done it again. Aside from myself, of course, Cenk might be the best opinion writer out there at this time. He consistently makes reasonable and well thought out arguments based on the facts and logical thinking; and his conclusions are based on this type of reasoning and not his own personal agenda. This post of his should be a must read for anyone who claims to have an opinion on the Iraq War - including all those in the Bush administration; and all the Democrats who love to point out how wrong Bush is, but have yet to really talk about the ugly truth of the situation. And, make no mistake, the truth is ugly; but so what, avoiding the truth is not the answer. That hasn't gotten us anywhere so far, and it's foolish to think that more lies or half-truths is the answer.

Speaking of which, President Bush is about to make a major speech on Iraq and The War on Terror. According to reports he is supposed to offer up new details and strategies that the public is not yet aware of. I'll give him a chance, but I'd be willing to bet almost anything that his version of The Iraq War won't contain any of the facts that Mr. Uygur considers in coming up with his analysis of the situation. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny how so many of us just accept being lied to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because you married one!

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, he sums it up very clearly. Good read. Here is some interesting information about the Sunnis and the Shia. The two groups actually began fueding after Mohamad died. I forget which group believed what, but one group believed Mohamad's successor could be chosen by the people and the other group believed the the successor must be from Mohamad's lineage. They have been at odds ever since. Making these two groups live and work in peace would be like making the Jews and Palestines live in peace. A man like Bush is not up to this challenge.

TeraCourt Krew

10:33 PM  
Blogger The Animal said...

I'm not ready to say it's a conspiracy about this NYC bomb threat. I think many of the past raised terror threats were done just to instill fear prior to the election. However, there is still a legitimate threat out there, so we can't assume every threat is a conspiracy. After all, subways do get blown up sometimes.

That's not to say I'd be surprised if this was a bullshit threat. But, assuming this one is real, that's even more reason to be pissed at Bush & Co. for crying wolf so many times in the past. They've diminished the seriousness and effectiveness of these threats by using them for political advantage, which does not make me feel any safer.

5:08 PM  

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