DeLay Indicted!
It's been building for some time, and today it became official. House Majority Leader, Republican Tom DeLay, was indicted for criminal consipiracy related to campaign finance. Of course, we all knew he did it already, but it's good to see that as of yet he hasn't been able to weasle his way out of it.
Will Senate Majority Leader, Republican Bill Frist, be next for insider trading?
I can't wait to see how the Republican spin machine tries to defend their two leaders in the senate and congress facing criminal charges. Will they continue to play the moral values card or the Jesus card? Will it be unpatriotic to question leaders in congress during a time of war? If they both go down will this embolden the terrorists? Will now not be the time to point fingers at either of them? Will we hear that it's not prudent to comment on an ongoing investigation? Will we hear that the Clintons have done worse? Only time will tell what Ken Mehlman, Karl Rove & Co. can come up with. If history is any indication of the future, the only thing we can count on is that it will defy common sense. More to follow...
10/5/05 Update:
Make that TWO indictements for DeLay now. This second indictment came down on Monday by the Texas grand jury. This time the charges are money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Could things get worse for the GOP? Unfortunately for them, the answer is yes. With the way things are going lately it feels like Karl Rove and/or other top White House officials are going to be next for their role in the CIA leak scandal.
Will Senate Majority Leader, Republican Bill Frist, be next for insider trading?
I can't wait to see how the Republican spin machine tries to defend their two leaders in the senate and congress facing criminal charges. Will they continue to play the moral values card or the Jesus card? Will it be unpatriotic to question leaders in congress during a time of war? If they both go down will this embolden the terrorists? Will now not be the time to point fingers at either of them? Will we hear that it's not prudent to comment on an ongoing investigation? Will we hear that the Clintons have done worse? Only time will tell what Ken Mehlman, Karl Rove & Co. can come up with. If history is any indication of the future, the only thing we can count on is that it will defy common sense. More to follow...
10/5/05 Update:
Make that TWO indictements for DeLay now. This second indictment came down on Monday by the Texas grand jury. This time the charges are money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Could things get worse for the GOP? Unfortunately for them, the answer is yes. With the way things are going lately it feels like Karl Rove and/or other top White House officials are going to be next for their role in the CIA leak scandal.